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03150 Kyiv
Predslavinskaya Street 12 tel/ fax: (380-44) 493-8877; (380-98) 493-8877


About project

The company "Emplot" has been operating in the Ukrainian market of wireless communication systems since 1998.

Specialization - Internet connection services, design, delivery and installation of equipment, maintenance of high-speed wireless data transmission systems.

According to the decision of the NCCR (National Commission for Communications Regulation of Ukraine) from 28.09.2006 № 384 of the company "EMPLOT" is entered in the register of operators, providers of telecommunications.

The Company obtained the license of the NCCR of Ukraine for broadband radio access (radio communication in data transmission systems using noise-like signals) No. 5430 dated August 31, 2008 for "Use of the radio frequency resource of Ukraine" in the 2.4 GHz band for the right to operate in Kiev and the Kiev region. The license is valid until 05.02.2013.

The staff of the company successfully employs certified specialists in wireless solutions from companies Proxim and Motorola.